Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ana Velho, primeira tatuadora do Brasil na convenção de Santos

Ana Velho, primeira tatuadora do Brasil, participará da 1ª TattooGirls, convenção de tatuagens realizada em Santos dedicada às tatuadoras de todo o Brasil.

A tatuadora dirigiu a primeira loja de tattoo moderna na capital carioca. A loja foi aberta em 1980 e situava estratégicamente a galeria da rua Visconde de Pirajá. Ana Velho escreve assim, seu nome na história da tatuagem brasileira. Para conhecerem a tatuadora e seus trabalhos, visite a 1ª TattooGirls. Se tiverem mais informações sobre Ana Velho, por favor, deixem comentários.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tatuagem japonesa, "Sabado" em passagem pelo Brasil

De 3 à 14 de Junho o estúdio Iritsu Tattoo Shop receberá o tatuador "Sabado", proprietário do Eccentric Tattoo. Uma grande oportunidade para os fãs brasileiros agendarem um horário para fazerem suas tattoos e conferirem de perto o trabalho de Sabado.

Para agendar seu horário
Endereço: Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 520, Pinheiros - SP
Telefone: 55 11 38912553
E-mail: tattoo@iritsupiercer.com

Tatuagens de Sabado - Eccentric Tattoo

Para conhecer mais trabalhos do tatuador japonês Sabado, visite o site do estúdio.

Looking for Butterfly Fairy Tattoo Designs and Tattoo Art

butterfly tattoos

For people who thought that tattoos were all about pinups and anchors, think again! Many people have decided that the art of tattooing is perfect for expressing various facets of their personality, and it just so happens that many people love to express themselves and start their search looking for butterfly fairy tattoo designs, and the perfect tattoo art. When you are looking for butterfly fairy tattoo designs, you'll find that you have many to choose from. Find the one that best complements your style and your sense of humor, and you'll find that you have a lovely piece of art that will stay with you your whole life.

The first thing to think about when you are looking for the right butterfly fairy is what you are trying to convey. What is your fairy all about?, where can I find good tattoo artwork. When we think fairy, we usually think of pretty girl fairies, but fairies can be boys as well. What does your fairy look like, and what is it trying to express? Are you getting a fairy because they symbolize nature, or sweetness or happiness, or is it something else? Are you looking for an angry, Gothic fairy, or are you looking for one that is round, happy and sweet?

butterfly tattoo

You'll also find that when it comes to butterfly fairy tattoo designs that you have your choice of . For some fairies, their wings hardly seem big enough to get them off the ground, instead staying small and cute, while other fairies have long and sweeping wings which are perfect for fluttering or soaring. Take a look at tattoo art in some insect books, and figure out what sort of butterfly wing pattern might appeal to you. You may also decide that you want to design the wings yourself, or to have your tattoo artist come up with a design for you.

When you are looking for some great butterfly fairy tattoo designs, you'll find that you have plenty of license to simply look around and see what kind of tattoo art is available. For instance, famed fairy artist Amy Brown has whole pages on her site dedicated to fans who have decided to get tattoos based on her artwork. Are you an artist? Chances are, a talented tattooist can put your art right on your skin, so take a look at this option as well.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Autorizaria seu filho menor de idade a tatuar-se, se ele tivesse entre 16 e 18 anos?

Chegamos ao fim de nossa oitava enquete onde questionamos se os leitores autorizariam seus filhos menores de a idade a tatuarem-se, caso eles tivessem entre 16 e 18 anos.

Somaram-se 2951 votos, para respostas de Sim ou Não. Confira o resultado da enquete e deixe um comentário com sua opinião:

Autorizaria seu filho menor de idade a tatuar-se, se ele tivesse entre 16 e 18 anos?

Sim: 2264 votos (76%)
Não: 687 votos (23%)

Na próxima enquete, saberemos o que não pode faltar em uma convenção de tatuagem. Participe!

1ª TattooGirls, Convenção de tatuadoras em Santos

A cidade de Santos, berço da tatuagem brasileira, sediará a primeira convenção de tatuagem brasileira dedicada às tatuadoras, a 1ª TattooGirls. A idéia do evento é apresentar ao mercado e público brasileiro, o talento das tatuadoras de nosso país. Anna Idza e Danielle Perrone já são presenças garantidas na convenção que pretende reunir grandes tatuadoras de todo o Brasil.

Observações importantes

1. Homens também podem participar do evento, entretanto o estande do tatuador deve haver uma quantidade equivalente ou superior de tatuadoras.
2. Serão destinadas duas categorias aos tatuadores: Melhor Pinup e Mulher Brasileira (criada em homenagem à convenção).
3. Stands de vendas não terão número restrito de tatuadores ou tatuadoras.

Palestras e Workshop

- Palestras de Biossegurança, Prevenção de DST´s, Como reconhecer o cancer de pele e Como administrar estúdios de tatuagem.
- Workshop de desenho com Alexandre Dallier.

Necessário inscrição antecipada para o workshop e paletras.


Art Fusion, mostra de curta metragem, palestras, workshops, área multimídia, exposições de fotos, shows, DJs, sorteio de tatuagens e o “Pinup Express”, espaço para as visitantes da convenção receberem maquiagem e produção de cabelo gratuitamente.


- Melhor decoração de estande
- Melhor série de desenhos
- Concurso de tatuagens (criadas por tatuadoras participantes)
- Concurso de Melhores Pinups e Mulher Brasileira (criadas por tatuadores participantes)

Outras informações

Data: 16, 17 e 19 de Julho de 2009
Horário: das 14 às 23 Horas
Local: Clube Regatas Saldanha da Gama, Av. Alm Saldanha Gama, número 44, Ponta da Praia - Santos, SP
Entrada: R$ 10,00 Menores de 16 anos acompanhados pelos pais
Telefones: (13) 32221128 - (13) 78053272 NEXTEL 85*3887
Fax:(13) 33021124
Preço do estande: Stand simples - 3x2 R$ 850,00 reservas
E-mails: eventos@rcmdecarvalho.com.br / credenciamento@rcmdecarvalho
Organização: Mallu Santos
Realização: RCM Eventos
Apoio: Tattoo Shopping, SA Tattoo
Site oficial: www.tattoogirls.com.br

Fotos do local

Fredson, tatuador em Aracajú

Fredson é natural de Salvador mas seu estúdio fredson tattoo art's localiza-se em Aracajú, Sergipe. Confira algumas tatuagens realizadas por Fredson.

Telefones:(79)3236-6297 / 3043-6164 - 8818-7180
E-mail: artistfredson@bol.com.br

Desenhos de caveiras para tattoo com faixas

Na quinta galeria dos desenhos de caveiras, publicamos doze caveiras que em comum têm as faixas em branco. Combine diversas fontes com as caveiras que mais gostar, no site dafont encontram-se criativas opções de fontes, da fonte Pepsi à Cold Night for Alligators que é bastante agressiva. Caveira com punhal, em chamas, com piercing, caveira Rockabilly ou com rosas são alguns exemplos das caveiras publicadas, todas vetorizadas e em preto. Use sua criatividade na escolha das cores para sua caveira. Boas referência também para iniciantes em aerografia.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tribal Cross Tattoos and Holy Cross Tattoos

cross tattooFor thousands of years, crosses have been used in all types of Christian faith. The are a simple design that has taken on many forms, especially among . Tribal cross tattoos have become main-stream in tattoo parlors around the world, and known for their distinct look of heavy black lined ink and beautiful bold shapes. Originally this style of art was inspired by the Maori tribe and has now been adopted by many modern day groups such as the Gothics with their Gothic .

Even as there are many different styles or versions of the cross, the meaning is all the same in sentiment or tradition. Tribal cross tattoos and celtic cross tattoos are the top choice among tattoo seekers; they have so many interesting and unique designs that can be incorporated. Most people who seek out tattoos do so for sentimental reasons or to show their heritage pride. The holy cross tattoos are less a religious statement and more often used combined with a tribal tattoos cross for ornamental looks. A simple cross has four sections which we call the "cardinal points", and have been interpreted among the Christian faiths as the world separated into four elements. It is also said among the Christians that the never-ending lines represent the divinity and the world.

What makes a tribal cross tattoos such a sought after design is the fact that they combine the ordinary cross with the beauty of tribal art. Tribal cross tattoos can be done in the traditional black only ink but also have been seen in beautiful tribal colors such as red, green, blue and purple. When colorful flowers or fairies are added to it, it can be a beautiful design choice for women who prefer a more feminine look.

3d cross tattoo

The Celtic cross is another form of the holy cross tattoo used in the Catholic churches in Ireland and around the world, and it is also considered tribal. There has been, over the years, some debate as to whether the cross is indeed a Christian symbol, simply because it dates back to before Christianity, to the British Isles.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Find Tattoo Design Idea

tattoo design ideas

Are you looking for some and not sure where to start and you want to get the best tattoo design idea possible well you need to read this and hopefully when we are done you will be better prepared to find what you want and where to go get it at.

Well you must be interested in a tattoo design idea or you would not be reading this right now so here we go there are a number of ways to get started.

#1 You could go to all of the tattoo shops that you can find around you and look at what they call flash books or some places have pictures all over the walls you can look at to get your tattoo design idea from.tattoo design ideas

#2 (This is the step I like) You can cruise all over the net and find a realy great tattoo design idea and I do not mean the free ones you see everywhere you might as well go to the first parlor you see and point at any picture on the wall and say give me that tattoo because I want to be like everyone else. Well that When I get a tattoo I go to a few sites that I know of (which I will show you how to get to them later) And see what is on them these sites have real artist and real people you can talk with to get some realy cool tattoo design ideas.

And yes I know you are saying well this is another guy trying to sell me something that is crap and getting me all excited that im going to find the best tattoo design idea in the universe and all I need to do is spend a billion dollars right now just click here crap.

No I am not that guy I can't sell water in hell so how am I gong to sell you a tattoo design idea. I am just trying to help you find the right places to get a good if not the best idea possible because getting a piece of crap permanently inked onto your body sucks.Below are some of the types of tattoo design ideas you will find at some of the places I have found.

Abstract Belly Button Bird Chinese Dolphin Eagle Fairy Fantasy Harley Davidson Heart Horse Insect Japanese Lizard Lower Back Mermaid Patriotic American Religious Rose Scorpion Skull Snake Sport Star Sun Symbols Tiger Tribal Wolf Women Words Zodiac Alien Angel Animal Asian Butterfly Cartoon Clown Cross Demon Devil Dragon Monster Native American Pinup Religious Skeleton Sun and Star Celtic Flower Symbols

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